Sunday, 11 September 2011

Updates and future dates!

Well guys just a quick update and a few things in the pipeline as I've been pretty quiet.

Things have been going pretty well over the summer when it usually goes a bit quiet. End of year stuff suggests we need to enhance the usage and exposure of the flow cytometry facility...I feel a few extra workshops and demos coming on!!

The other facilities were a little down too on last year but they are easily recoverable! I'm hoping the proposed move to the new location will enable me to watch things closer and help new users to use the equipment more effectively. We've also got some new users from the school of physics and chemistry which is giving us a new perspective and some fantastic data! And after some 'person' damaged two high mag objectives on the inverted confocal over the summer (grrrr) we have a shiny new one for your pleasure!! Hope this survives a little longer!

There has also been a major push from the academics here to increase the Faculty's facilities profile too, which is great to have support from these guys. We are now gearing up to attract external usage and hope we can pull things together and be more coherent. Lots of great potential I think. The immediate effect has been the development of a new web page (going live by the end of the month) and some facility flyers as a marketing push.

We have a grant application into the YCR for a home-build 'kinetic imaging' system. Exciting stuff, it should give us the ability to custom build an imaging system for long time-lapse imaging experiments. Fingers crossed for some good news by the end of the year...

Upcoming things in the pipeline:
Leeds Flow Day - November 25th 2011 - a day of flow cytometry talks and presentations from Leeds based researchers and commercial companies - details to follow
Zeiss Opticical Imaging Workshop - to be arranged - a day for Zeiss to demo some new stuff such as their new spinning disc confocal and apotome-type imaging technology

Finally, hope to blog more and update the Facebook page, please keep in touch.

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